Last Updated Wednesday 16th October, 2024.

Guy Hawson recognizes the importance of Internet user privacy. For that reason, we try to keep you informed of our privacy practices throughout this website.

Some of our website users provide Guy with personally identifiable information about themselves so we can perform our services such as answering requests. All of this information belongs to Guy Hawson and we make no other use of personally identifiable information obtained from you except for the purposes of contacting you and self promotional purposes.

Policy Updates or Changes.

Guy Hawson may update or change this privacy policy at any time and such changes will become effective immediately unless otherwise stated. Our website will state the date it was last updated and we encourage you to review our privacy policy whenever you use this website.

We hope you find this information helpful. Our goal is to present all the information in a format that is as readable as possible. Whatever you decide to do, we want you to be completely informed about how we use information on the Internet. The issue of privacy is important to you and to us.

Please Note: This website collects personal information about you only when you complete a form on the website and send it to us. We do not disclose any information collected on this website to any other organization. By submitting your completed form, you give consent to Guy Hawson to communicate with you about our product (the Guy Hawson software) and service and for using submitted information for further contact. By submitting these details, you understand that the information will be handled in accordance with Guy Hawson Privacy Policy.


Phone Guy on (02) 9918 8627 or use the Contact Us or Quote form.